Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Changed physics of the Grenade Launcher in the SVN.

Some of you, who are updating SVN every now and then, maybe noticed it already: physics of the Grenade Launcher changed.
People are discussing whether it's good or not...
We want to get some oppinions together to find out what the Sauer-Community thinks about it and not just each individual, so we can get an representive result on that.
So we please and vote and leave some comments about your thoughts!

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  1. I'm against the change. Grenades are very good for two things: nade jumps and blocking paths. Nade jumping isn't affected much by the change, but its impossible to block paths with nades that don't stick where you throw them.


  3. I do not use grenade launcher personally very often cause I play mostly insta gib mode in sauer, but if someone stuck from nades or any particles I think its wrong and should be fixed like these time. I think one of the best physics and game mechanics implemented in Quake 2,3, Quake 1, Warsow 2.0, RedEclipse, Xonotic and so on, so these game has already few predecessors which can be reviewed on what features can be grabbed from here and there and implemented easily to sauerbraten world. And if Eihrul feeling fine with what he believes represent sauerbraten gameplay then there is nothing to do on these term.
