Thursday, November 1, 2012

Fohlen, TheAssassin, GSTF and their ESL-project


  1. best post ever.

  2. i feel kinda awkward, but i am actually of the same opinion as this drug dude

  3. loool legen-waitforit-daryyy

  4. oh yeah, they are totally stupid.
    cube2sauer.blogspot is what this shitty community deserves.

  5. Arschrille du warst schon ma besser

  6. It's just a shame that they, smear their dirty fingers on the holy ESL, that's all....

    If you're so great programmers build your own framework - Oh wait that won't attract ANYONE! I'm so sorry...

  7. Well, the first funny post since acuerta and unlix left :D

    1. nope its way better without this silly no life kids unlix and acuerta

  8. Thank you for supporting Eintracht Frankfurt :D

  9. Der Post hätte geschmackvoller sein können, auch besser recherchiert (warum eig kein echtes Bild von mir-.- bzw, kp, nix gelesen aber ma nen Blogpost machen :) )?
    Ansonsten ganz gut gelungen Achille ;)!

  10. I didnt know they´re THAT ugly hahahahaha

    1. Fohlens post partly translated: "why didnt you include a real picture of me?"

      Good luck for the new league. Achille, you act childish, you shouldnt see the ESL as opponent, but as chance for sauerbraten to become more attractive. Two Leagues are better than one:P
      Anyways gl hf, TheAssassins, Flo, Fohlen and Hanni.

  11. "wahh helft mir!! mein verkacktes Machtmonopol bekommt Brüche!! Ich muss unbedingt alles zerstören, was sich mir in den Weg stellt (am besten bezeichne ich auch noch alle als Cheater, etc...) LIKE A HITLER!!"

    Na, wer ist es? xD

    1. Opi, du spielst sauer?

    2. Ja, warum denn nicht? Weißt du.. damals im Kartoffelkrieg.. Als der Gummistiefel noch aus Holz war.. Das waren noch Zeiten, sag ich dir!! Und jetzt mit Sauerbraten.. Mann!, da werden Erinnerungen Wach! Entlich wieder nen Gewehr in der Hand. Da fühlt man sich wieder so jung und knackig! :D

      Achja und natürlich ist es selbstverständlich, dass Achille uns vor dieser ganzen Sache beschützt, indem er es sabotiert mit seinen konstruktiven Kommentaren :) Ich meine.. Wenn Sauerbraten plötzlich beliebter wird, mehr Spieler kommen und auch mehr Leute in der SWL spielen würden... Das wäre ja schrecklich, nicht wahr? o.O

      Ist ja nur alles sooo schlimm, weil Fohlen, GSTF und co das regeln.. Wäre es Achille und seine Bande, bei gleichem Ergebniss wäre es natürlich was Heiliges, ganz ohne Frage!!

      Jaja.. der Kartoffelkrieg *in Gedanken schweif*

    3. "LIKE A HITLER"

  12. Fear wieso als anonymous?

  13. sauer has already been 2 times in the ESL and it was always a fail. Just 1-2 tournaments and it was over.
    Because ESL just sucks. And if you dont know that, you´re a noob. There are much better platforms for that, which dont annoy you with e-mails to go buy a fucking premium account (clanbase for example). But go for another try i dont care.
    Atleast Achille is able to run a league. You´re all not. All you can do is trying to suck some ESL admins dick and beg him to let sauer take part @ his awesome "go buy premium account now" league.
    And please delete your pics out of your profiles. ESL is not a dating site ok? Nobody actually wants to know how you look. Seriously.

    1. Idiot, first collect some informations and than speak. Nobody got those pics in there ESL profile. Allways those cock sucking pussys who are to scared to write with there real names. "Mr. Anonymous" it sounds like you are Fear that would be typicall for him. Please at first brief yourself and that talk. Thank you.

    2. english, motherfucker, do you speak it?

  14. Ravioli ravioli give me the formuoli.

  15. Laslo u god damn faggot if i comment this shit, i use my name.

  16. omg deep respect to Fear

  17. SWL is down because nobody likes achilles childish comments and kicks the SWL sauerworldleague(only sp4nks and some other clans is not a worldleague)
    Assassin and Fohlen wanted to make cube2 more famous but some stupid idiots like vaQ' or Achille are angry i know why ,) If their were no problems with ESL the SWL lost much player
    Achille says to each clan cheater that are good and can win against sp4nk yeah achille thinks he is a worldchampion ROFL stupid idiot
    and his hall of cheater is a only big FAIL more tan 3 names in with 1 IP range??? nice i know much player off this and heir IPs and all have other iPs and you know Achille that that are all IPs from Efficxman
    and Vaq' are stupid antigay people that think they can steal a child the bike LOL
    the real thing ist vaQ' uses the most time not their realplayer names on some server one person has over 30 names lol loosers

  18. Fuck man, i though its me. Seriously when i read your shit, i said myself that i must be fucking retard. Of myn but its not me. You have similar fucklish as me. But you are way more retarded than i!
